Great by Choice and Applicability to Managers

Paullette Ndungu
6 min readApr 9, 2021


Great by choice examines how some companies are able to survive and thrive in the changing conditions. These companies not only survive but are able to thrive. The three main ideas discussed include; productive paranoia by been prepared for worse scenarios, Empirical creativity leaders need to ensure that they remain creative by continuously creating fanatic discipline not diligently following the rules but be consistent in working towards the goals.

The first lesson from this book is the importance of having a company been well prepared during the occurrence of unknown conditions. By being well prepared for the worst of conditions, the company can withstand what it faces in the future. Organizations with leaders who are always hypervigilant and worried about the future are always prepared for the worse scenario. Their suspicion drives them to be hyper vigilant. They continually watch their current circumstance for possibly unsafe advancements, for example, new expected opponents, new enactment, or changing monetary conditions. This watchfulness empowers them to build up a profound comprehension of their industry, which, joined with their over-the-top arrangement, gives them a tremendous upper hand. It permits them to recognize the characterizing circumstances not too far off and exploit them. Been prepared for uncertainty to take place removes the feeling of being vulnerable and makes one feel confident that they will be able to face the different circumstances they come across.

Secondly companies that are able to thrive rely on the discipline that the organization is prepared for the worse scenarios. When a company is able to work based on paranoia will be in a better position to perform its peak during such scenarios. Discipline as discussed does not mean a person’s obedience to the rules of the company rather it is the consistency in the actions. For instance discipline in ensuring you consistently train for preparedness when worse case scenarios occur. Discipline in our case is ability to block the noises from the mases and focus solely on the goals set for the organization. Companies perform best when they have targets that they aim to achieve year after year. The ability of the company to have targets that they want to hit annually regardless of the conditions ensures they perform best. Companies need to the sustainable thins in ensuring gradual growth other than instant growth that may not be sustainable. Gradual growth makes business manageability. Moreover the process of taking p new innovations should not be instance rather there should need to first examine the innovation. It is also important to gather empirical evidence to understand the existing market place

Thirdly creativity is of the essence in the company. It does not yield greatness to only remain alive. You must create, too. We should also expect these leaders to be exceptionally imaginative in order to produce new, beautiful items. Yes, but that’s the rub here. Lots of creativity was also demonstrated by the representatives of ordinary business peers. We found that the theory of defining leadership was a certain approach to imagination, what we term analytical innovation, the ability to confirm your artistic impulses empirically. This involves using direct observation, carrying out realistic experiments, and directly communicating with facts, rather than relying on opinion, intuition, and interpretation alone. Companies that can succeed and stay afloat can continuously create new products and also start with trials of the products at a small scale as they expand gradually.

The best organizations don’t allow an opportunity to decide their destiny. They are fanatical in their readiness, guarantee that they have the proof to back up their choices, and practice the order to proceed with their arrangements through all sorts of challenges. It’s this combination of consistency and proof-based investigation that permits a few organizations show long-haul accomplishment in a clamorous world. Neither karma nor chance is the reason a few organizations become incredible. Each organization gets generally a similar measure of karma; it’s how you manage this fortune that is important.

A future manager may use the main ideas discussed to ensure that they ensure that the organization is able to continue operating successfully even during the worse scenarios. Some of the key points a future manager may take away are; ensuring the company has annual targets that it hits regardless of the circumstance in which they find themselves. Innovation in the company is not everything but it should be adopted together with discipline. A future manager should know the importance of productive paranoia in the business environment as it ensures that the business is well prepared for future worst-case scenarios. Managers recognize that they face continuous ambiguity and that they do not monitor crucial facets of the surrounding environment, and cannot reliably forecast them. Dismiss the notion that powers beyond their influence or incidents of chance will decide their outcomes, taking absolute blame for their own destiny.

A manager can apply the 20 miles march to ensure that provides focus to ensure you move forward. This is the control to stick with it in both various difficulties. This implies keeping a lower bound and an upper bound, an obstacle that you bounce over, and a roof that you won’t transcend, the aspiration to accomplish, and the discretion to keep down. Through increment their karma by shooting bunches of slugs rather than a major un-aligned cannonball. The basic rule is, be innovative, however, approve your imaginative thoughts with experimental experience. The 20 mile march aids managers to scale down goals into more targets that they can realistically and consistently achieve, optimistic objectives are more realistic. On good days, these milestones can feel overly hurried and daunting on bad days, but continuity over time contributes to compounding outcomes.

Future managers are mainly faced with the problem of keeping up with new innovation and creativity in the changing world. Today, the unrelenting march of technical innovation, the increasingly global nature of competition and the immediate flow of information all lead to uncertainty. Yet ways of turbulence are less important than the fact that, for the remainder of our lives, we are expected to deal in confusion and turmoil. It’s neither good nor bad; it’s just that. In fact, there is a significant chance that environments marked by turbulent disruption will go hand-in-hand with extraordinary growth, as we saw in the rise of the technology sector. Along the way, there’ll be some really big winners and plenty of carnage. In the book they are advised to be careful the form of innovation they take up by doing their due diligence in gathering empirical evidence regarding any innovation before adopting it.

Future managers should be able to act on paranoia they face in business by making it productive paranoia. The willingness to be hyper-vigilant of potentially negative incidents that can hit your business and then turn the anxiety into planning and clear-headed behavior is constructive vigilance. Productive paranoia ensures the manager is prepared in the event of sudden chaos that may disrupt the day-to-day business of the organization.

Fanatic discipline is essential to future managers. It ensures that you achieve your quest regardless of the circumstances faced, Discipline can mean a lot of things, along the lines of working hard, enforcing rules, being compliant, and so on. We say something else: in our research, the best-performing leaders demonstrated discipline as continuity of action: consistency of principles, long-term priorities, and expectations of performance; consistency of method; and consistency over time. It means denying traditional theory, hype, and crowds’ crazy, literally becoming a nonconformist. By a future manager ensuring they adopt fanatic discipline, they remain consistent in achieving the goals they set for the business. Everyday life application of discipline to managers is that it takes time to analyze your options-don’t try to make big choices. You often have more time than you would expect to consider your choices, because even if you don’t, it is often worse to hurry into action than to do nothing and stay the course. When you make a decision, completely accept it and concentrate on action.

To sum up, everything that has been stated so far as a manager when one has the right team encourage them to make small best and continuously invests in them. The great challenge, seldom completed, is to balance artistic strength with relentless consistency in order to amplify rather than kill imagination. You multiply the importance of your imagination as you marry operational excellence with the invention. The book is an important read for current managers or those with the goal of been managers. It gives a guideline on how to deal with matters and the importance of consistency in dealing in order for the organization to achieve its goal. Discipline is a crucial requirement for a manager to cultivate in the organization's culture this is because with discipline in the work environment it becomes easier for everyone to block the noise and focus on the tasks and goals of the organization.

